In the Beginning.........

When writing Something Beautiful at the Dump, I made every effort to listen to God throughout the record of my walk in the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings.


9/8/20141 min read

“In the beginning…”

Posted on September 8, 2014 by ckayjones1

When writing Something Beautiful at the Dump, I made every effort to listen to God throughout the record of my walk in the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings. Otherwise my writing would have been in vain. While I suffered anguish in its rawest form – pleading for God to take me out of this world – He remained faithful to bring me through it without hate for a living soul. To adequately give Him the glory I so desired Him to receive, I had to reveal some very personal things, some of which I am not proud nor wish to share with others. When I took on the project, however, I knew the subject matter would be delicate, to say the least. But God has literally saved me – time and time again – and I can do nothing less than to place my life behind His cross that covers my every transgression and my every failure. I didn’t deserve God’s intervention. I can only hope He thinks of me as Christ did when He spoke to the sinner woman that washed His feet with her tears, “Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much…”

(Luke 7:47)

(Originally posted September 06, 2013 at 01:07 AM EDT)